ph. (479) 273-7550

Frequently asked questions

Diageo’s TWM National Accounts team will continue to fund these displays 100%.

Please contact your Diageo NAM to discuss the specifics of this ask. Note that the Diageo TWM team will not be able to pay for POS that is leveraged anywhere else outside of Total Wine.

If you need a display for a brand that is not currently available in the “Featured Displays” section, you have a few options. You can either:

  • Browse the “Archived Displays” section of the site – this section includes most single-brand WOW displays that have been produced for Total Wine in the last two years.
  • Consider leveraging a portfolio display piece that is relevant to the brand you’d like to display.
  • Connect with your Diageo NAM and/or Activation Manager to discuss alternative POS solutions that may already be available in-market.

The key difference between these two categories is the amount of time needed to deliver the display piece. A small quantity of “Featured” displays have already been produced, and are ready to ship out immediately upon receiving an order. Oppositely, “Archived” displays are designs that have been brand-approved and engineered + produced by our agency in the past, but are not currently printed + boxed. These orders will be produced in real-time, upon receipt of the order, and thus take an additional few weeks to deliver.

Please place the display order upon confirmation of in-store execution from Total Wine & More, keeping in mind the delivery timelines + available in-hands dates for POS, as shown on the ordering portal.